Skincare Q&A

Do You Have to Wash Your Face After Using Makeup Wipes?

Do You Have to Wash Your Face after Makeup Wipes? 

Absolutely, yes! Dermatologists and cosmeticians are both of the opinions that makeup wipes are not an adequate solution to removing and cleaning makeup from your face. Makeup wipes neither cleans your face thoroughly nor do they break down makeup components, since most only serve the purpose of ‘wiping’ your face clean of sweat, oil, and grime. Therefore, most layered chemical byproducts of the makeup, along with the various types of secretions of your face are still very much clinging to your pores even after using wipes. 

However, this does not mean that makeup wipes should be chucked out into the trashcan, but simply that they are not the only way to fully get rid of gunk and old makeup off your skin. Thereby, if you are still noticing some irritating pimples popping up routinely, even though you religiously wipe your face, now you have an answer as to why that keeps happening.


Makeup Wipes Can Be a Good Thing- Here is why! 

If you have just stumbled into your room after a hectic day of work or an overlong party, it is understandable that you might not hit the bathroom to wash your face. When you are bleary-eyed and exhausted, single-use beauty wipes serve as a miraculous product, wiping the worst of the gunk off your face. They are time-efficient and may get layered and long-wear cosmetics off your face easily too. In environments where access to face washes and cleansers isn’t possible, such as when exercising, traveling, and camping, makeup wipes can be incredibly convenient. For people with oily skin, wipes are not so corrosive. There is nothing amiss in whipping out one sheet to remove a light layering of foundation or lipstick occasionally, or even prior to washing your face. After all, something is better than nothing. Available in travel size packs that can fit into makeup pouches, and with some brands containing elements like Aloe Vera and cleansers, makeup wipes aren’t all bad.

The Negative Effect of Solely Relying on Makeup Wipes 

If you are using a makeup wipe as the sole contender for getting hours of makeup, dirt, and sweat removed from your face- chances are that some of the residues remain, causing breakouts, pimples, and acne scars. Some of the chemicals in wipes are also carcinogens such as 3-diol, which is also a common allergen. 


Wipes with long lists of ingredients should be avoided according to dermatologist advice, and one should also steer clear of wipes containing cocamidopropyl betaine, which is an irritant. You are also advised to especially stay away from wipes with fragrances.  If you are routinely wearing heavy makeup, a wipe is insufficient in cleaning your face, leaving residue from the wipe such as alcohol on your skin, which leads to pore-clogging and skin irritation. Makeup removal wipes can be corrosive and stripping, leaving your skin dry and flaky. Rubbing too hard can lead to wrinkles, especially around sensitive regions like around the eyes. Makeup wipes are also a complete no-no for people with skin conditions and acne-prone skin because the circulation of harsh chemicals with facial bacteria causes painful and sensitive inflammation, which like a deadly cycle, resulting in more acne. 


How to Use Cleansing Wipes 

The first thing to keep in mind is not to use makeup wipes as an alternative to proper foamy cleansers, because they simply are not entirely functional. That aside, using them is incredibly simple and convenient. Most wipes come in compact packages with 30 or more sheets, and a closing slit on the package to take out one as you please and insulate the rest. They are usually aptly dampened to pull away at and break down makeup, and while one sheet can be sufficient, to remove heavy makeup may you may need 2 or more. Remember to be gentle on your skin- unless you want to look ancient before your time, or strip your skin of its natural oils – move in small circular motions, going over each region twice if necessary. 

Alternatives to Makeup Remover Wipe (Optimum for Dry Skin)

Cleansing Balm 

Not only are cleansing balms an all-in-one magical product (unlike harsh cleansers or makeup removers that are a nightmare if you tend to have dry skin), the application process is also a dream. Simply scoop a small amount (and mind you, small means small- no larger than two pea drops), gently massage it in to transform into a soft, oil-like consistency, and prepare yourself for results that are utterly life-changing. Cleansers are rich in hydrating oils, which apart from keeping your skin soft and nourished by maintaining its natural oils, are also ideal for makeup removal, allowing you to throw those rough facial wipes over your shoulder and never look back. 

Cleansing Oil 

The name of this product is pretty self explanatory- cleansing oils are oil-based cleansers that, being the ‘good’ oils, get rid of the ‘bad’ oils, that is debris and makeup that have accumulated on the skin’s surface throughout the day. Unlike traditional foam cleansers which rapidly dehydrate your skin, cleansing oils moisturize your skin and balance its natural oils without being excessively greasy, thus making them suitable for all skin types, even for acne-prone or oily skin. 


Cleansing oils contain antioxidants, natural seed oils, and vitamins that are essential in nourishing and softening your skin, making it brighter and providing a natural, healthy glow from within. Make sure to take your time and massage this product thoroughly into your skin, giving your blood capillaries the extra boost they need to make your skin pop more than ever. 


Cleansing Milk 

Cleansing milk are soothing and relaxing (much like their flowery name) but they are also capable of completely cleaning off any impurities from your skin, be it morning or night. Why bother drying out your skin with products that won’t fix anything when you can make use of cleansing milk to get your skin’s pH to a balanced state, ensuring that it remains soft and supple? If your skin is gasping for air amongst all the harsh chemicals in your normal foam cleanser, but also needs the occasional urge in getting rid of debris and impurities, cleansing milk might just be the product your skin-care stand is waiting for.