Skincare Q&A

Can You Use Niacinamide and Peptides Together ?

Can You Pair Niacinamide and Peptides Together?

Yes, you can most definitely use Niacinamide and Peptides together! It is for a fact that peptides alone cannot fix the various issues of the skin – they are not the sole rescuers of all your skin problems. Peptides need a boost and a partner, for which niacinamide would be the best pick. The takeaway is that when these two ingredients are used together in the skin, you would be able to achieve precisely the results you were looking for – a healthy, glowing look which would make all your friends wonder what potion you may be taking!

Many agents are available as ingredients in multiple skincare products, but Niacinamide and Peptides usually stand out among all of these. These two collectively can help people with issues like enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, dullness, and weak skin surfaces – so they can be quite a blessing! 


Niacinamide – What is that?

You may or may not have heard of it, but niacinamide is present in many specialized skincare products. More commonly known as Vitamin B3 and nicotinamide, niacinamide is one of the thirty-two essential minerals used for proper blood circulation and a healthy metabolism. Not only that, but studies have shown that niacinamide is beneficial for treating breakouts related to pustular acne as well. Being the jack of all trades, niacinamide helps with hyperpigmentation, skin dehydration, fine lines, and many other skin problems. You would find this vitamin in meat, fish, eggs, green veggies, beans, and grains. 


How Does Niacinamide Work?

To do its job, niacinamide works like the skin’s protector. With age, over-exfoliation, and the use of acids, our skin starts to break down and weaken. So, niacinamide becomes the guardian against all kinds of pollutants and irritants, pushing them out of the skin’s outmost layer by producing ceramides that are the foundation on which our skin is built. 

What are the Benefits Of Niacinamide?

There are extensive and proven benefits of niacinamide, making it the most referred vitamin for skin problems. While keeping the toxins away, niacinamide makes sure that vitals like oil and water remain in the skin to keep it hydrated by forming a healthy barrier on the skin – this barrier locks the skin’s radiance and freshness through the production of ceramides. It will also balance the oil production in skin, so that it will be shinier not because of the oil patches, but because of how healthy your skin will actually be. 


Applauded for its versatile nature, niacinamide has specific benefits for particular skin-types, which is why it can be used for multiple purposes. For example, a person with acne can use it to treat the blemishes and avoid the nasty holes caused by acne in one’s skin. Likewise, if your skin is dry and irritating, this vitamin will help you hydrate the surface and soothe inflammation by balancing the skin’s water requirement and retaining moisture. Not only that, but niacinamide protects the skin against harsh ultraviolet rays by rebuilding cells in the skin. So, if your skin is oily or prone to irritation and blotchiness, niacinamide will work like a charm on it! 


The results shown by the usage of niacinamide in the form of leave-on serums, toners, and treatments are quite extraordinary. The best part is that this vitamin can work with any other products containing antioxidants like retinol, peptides, and hyaluronic acid, so you do not need to worry about its compatibility because it will neither clash with any of the other products, nor will it cause a side effect. Hence, this vitamin can easily be used in your daily skincare routine, and you would not even have to worry about anything else – it will take care of all the problems for you!



Peptide – What Is That?

More commonly known as polypeptides, peptides can be referred to as the amino acids that fulfill our skin’s protein needs. Collagen consists of three peptide chains that tighten the skin to make it firmer and less loose so, by adding more polypeptides in your skin, you would be able to avoid wrinkles and dull skin. 


How Does Peptide Work?

The main job of the peptide in our skin is to contribute to building the structure for new collagens, but not only collagens – it also supports the skin’s elastin fibers. Peptides sink deep inside the skin and signal the cells to produce more collagen and elastin. As mentioned above, peptide strengthens the skin and makes it tighter, while making way for the natural beauty of one’s skin and its everlasting glow. It is found in every human cell and is essential for the body, but with time, the body may weaken and stop producing more of it – that is when you must go for peptide supplements!

What Are The Benefits Of Peptide?

Just by incorporating peptide in our daily routine, one would be able to eliminate multiple skin problems. Since some peptides are also anti-microbial, they help the skin push out all the acne and the clingy breakouts – this is one of its foremost advantages because peptides do so by killing all the bacteria that cause acne. So if one continues to keep peptide in their skincare routine, acne will be a long-gone problem! 

Our skin has a barrier around it, which over time, weakens after continued contact with smoke and pollution – this sometimes even happens after less sleep and over-exfoliation. But don’t worry, peptides strengthen the skin’s barrier against toxins like UV rays and bacteria.  More collagen in the skin would tighten it and make it plumper, so the risk of developing wrinkles becomes miniscule. Other than that, peptides can help ease skin inflammation and rough textures. 


One thing quite fascinating about peptides is that they know just where to go when the specific skincare is required. Let’s say, they work in their own mysterious ways. Not just that, but they also teach the skin overtime about what would be needed if there are breakouts – they help the skin to learn how to revitalize on its own, which fixes the anti-aging problem as well!