Dry Skin Advice is a website that provide helpful information for your skin problems. Our content is mainly about skincare information that help people improve their skin conditions. We firmly believe that skincare is not about how many skincare products you use or how expensive your skincare product is. It is about choosing the right skincare products for your skin and using it consistently that will bring you the best result.

Our Content
- skincare information
- skincare routine
- skincare ingredients
- skincare products
We like to keep things simple when creating content on this site.
In fact, just one principle. We want to write content that is useful to our readers. We will research and check the skincare products including skincare ingredients before we share any skincare products. We’ll let you know if there’s a certain ingredient that might be harmful for your skin, you can decide if that’s the ingredient you want to avoid or not. Even though skincare products play a crucial role, we do not want to just share information about skincare products, we genuinely care about our readers and want to provide as much valuable skincare knowledge as we can for our readers.
When Evaluating Skin Care Products
- safe ingredient
- plant extract
- natural ingredient
- consistency
- easy to penetrate/absorb into skin
- easy to apply/spread evenly
Brand Reputation
These are the elements that we care about while evaluating a skincare product. Ingredients, textures and brand's reputation are the most important to us. We believe a perfect skincare product is the golden combination of effective ingredients and smooth textures.We enjoy using products infused with natural or safe ingredients such as plant extracts, honey and hyaluronic acid. No matter it's a big brand or a small brand, we prefer brands that are honest with their customers.
When it comes to price and effectiveness of the products, we think it is fairly subjective. All of us have different skin types and skin concerns. Most importantly, we believe that you are the best judge for your own skin.
This site is for anyone who:
- Damaged skin barrier
- Dry skin
- Closed comedones
- Dark spot
- Dull skin
- Obsessed with skincare
If you have any skin problems, just so you know, you are not alone!
We all been there, and we know it can be frustrating. That’s why we created this website and hopefully provide the content to help you throughout the journey. Taking care of your skin is a long battle. It was never easy, but your skin can heal faster if you do it correctly and consistently.
When we are not posting, we are constantly researching, trying new products and improving our content for our readers.